Flowers in Word Image Spirit - Emile Nolde Flowers in her hair

Flowers Word Image Spirit

Flowers Word Image Spirit

Flowers Word Image Spirit – These are found throughout history and across our lives. Flowers are in words of poems.  They are in the image of countless paintings and photography. Our spirit is lifted as we ponder life in flowers. Take a look at the Flowers montage group.  It connects word, image, and spiritual matters through flowers.

Stop and think for a moment about the many occasions for flowers.  Consider the way that we talk about flowers.  They inhabit our imagination.

So far the paintings I am using for the montage are taken from Emile Nolde.  I love his use of bright colors – even when presenting dark and foreboding landscape.  He did remarkable things with watercolors.  His efforts were connected with the work of Expressionist painters. I confess, they are also among the most beloved painters for my imagination.  Especially the group of artists in the Worpswede group.  Paula Modersohn-Becker and others interacted with the likes of the great poet Ranier Maria Rilke.

The works that come out of that group stun me. Perhaps it was never spoken by him, but a line in a film about Renoir has him suggest that at the end of life he realized that so much of art was much less about line than about color.  These works capture me that way.  I can go on about them and probably will in some other posts, but this post is designed to send you to the montage.  I’ll cover more on the Expressionists later.

Here are some links on flowers in word, image and spirit:

Robert Frost, (Poem) “A Tuft of Flowers”

Gabrielle Münter, (Expressionist Painting) “Kress and Cornflower”

Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 6:25-34 (Spiritual Teaching) “The Lillies of the Field”

Flowers Word Image Spirit - Emile Nolde Red Poppies
Emile Nolde – Poppies – Expressionist Painter
Flowers Word Image Spirit - Emile Nolde Flowers in her hair
Emile Nolde, Poppy Flowers in Hair. Expressionist Painter