
An occasional blog of reflections engaging word, image, and spirit.

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  • Verses Speak Night Leon Spilleart

    Verses Speak Night

    Verses Speak Night There are some words that move across generations. Verses speak each night to our dreams and to our waking sensibilities. Verses speak night and verses speak day. And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for…

  • Butterflies

    Hunting Butterflies Dreams

    Hunting Butterflies Dreams Hunting butterflies dreams and so much more beyond my imagining, I used to spend summer afternoons with my neighborhood friends. I was raised in the warm citrus valley called the “Inland Empire” of California. The little town had a fantastic family feel much like the one where I now live in the…

  • Flowers in Word Image Spirit - Emile Nolde Red Poppies

    High and Center (new poem)

    In deep hearts of frailty bloom seeds of hope hidden in dark center.   Red petals brushed in breezes rushed from mountains hidden by clouds high.   Earth is stirred flowers in bloom is there room high and center above love?   “High and Center” © Brian R. Paulson, 2016.   (I’m entranced by the…

  • "Something he knew he had missed: the flower of life. But he thought of it now as a thing so unattainable and improbable that to have repined would have been - like despairing because one had not drawn the first prize in a lottery." - Edith Wharton

    Life, Love, Spirit, and Imagination – A Clarifier

    Unlike most other brief poetic blog posts of this website, I am taking a moment in this piece to clarify some dynamics of my little project. Hopefully this will be clarifying for the few in this “world wide” web of viewers who may be reading. My life is most definitely blessed in countless ways and chief among those…

  • Light - Guardian Angel Czeslaw Milosz

    Guardian Angel Czeslaw Milosz

    Guardian Angel       Czeslaw Milosz Close your eyes and imagine a guardian angel. Czeslaw Milosz allows his dreams to describe a surprise for us. Where would you discover this angel?  What would the guardian angel be doing? Czeslaw Milosz is one of my favorite poems. Let your spirit pause and listen to the…

  • Flowers in Word Image Spirit - Emile Nolde Flowers in her hair

    Flowers Word Image Spirit

    Flowers Word Image Spirit Flowers Word Image Spirit – These are found throughout history and across our lives. Flowers are in words of poems.  They are in the image of countless paintings and photography. Our spirit is lifted as we ponder life in flowers. Take a look at the Flowers montage group.  It connects word, image, and…

  • Easter Poem by Christina Rossetti – “A Better Resurrection”

    I have no wit, no words, no tears; My heart within me like a stone Is numb’d too much for hopes or fears; Look right, look left, I dwell alone; I lift mine eyes, but dimm’d with grief No everlasting hills I see; My life is in the falling leaf: O Jesus, quicken me.  …

  • Holy Saturday Poem by John Donne

    At the round earth’s imagined corners, blow Your trumpets, angels, and arise, arise From death, you numberless infinities Of souls, and to your scattered bodies go, All whom the flood did, and fire shall, o’erthrow, All whom war, dearth, age, agues, tyrannies, Despair, law, chance, hath slain, and you whose eyes, Shall behold God, and…

  • Good Friday 2016 – New Poem

    Black nothing given everything taken.   Cross slicing hope grounding sorrow.   Blue afterglow of light harbinger of dawn.   “Choosing Blue” © Brian R. Paulson, March 25, 2016.